
Exchange Rates

Converting from one currency to another is prone to errors, getting the correct exchange rate for the currency pair, and then figuring out if it's multiply or divide for the exchange rate. With the Analysis UK exchange rate websites those errors are eliminated with a simple calculator that allows you to enter the amount and hit the appropriate convert button to see the result. more


Computers never start as fast as we would like them to. Give LazyLoad a try. more

Dinner Timer

Dinner Timer Lite is a free simple timer application. It's uses don't stop at cooking, any application requiring a simple count down timer can make use of Dinner Timer Lite. more is a website dedicated to book lovers sharing their books. more


ThreeTomatoes is here to help you reduce the cost of your food shopping by showing you where you waste the most so you can figure out the best way to cut your waste and only buy what you really want. more


Receiptie automates the addition of electronic receipts to your KashFlow account. more